

Alk. 249 €

Wing5 is 5 reasons to play kantele. Because of its strong sound Wing5 suits well to acoustic use, but upon wish it is possible to equip it with a magnetic mic so you get a full electric kantele. You can play Wing5 by placing it on your knee, table or by standing using a strap.

technical data


Length: 71 cm

Weight: 0,6-0,72 kg. In the shipping package appr. 6 kg. 

Wood types: alder and maple

Basic colors: wooden, lingonberry, blueberry stain colors.

Body colors: sun flower, ferrari red, voikukka, ferrarinpunainen; acrylic paint +35 €.

Special colors: pink, plum, raspberry, leaf, sky, buckthorn, heavy or titan; metallic color +55 €

Surface finishing: acrylic lack or paint depending on color

Stringing: piano string thread

Standard accessories: strap, tuning key, octave harmonics marks

3 yrs warranty